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Staff Profile- Abiodun Ajayi

Abiodun Ajayi started at the college in April 2024 as an Instructional Designer.

What does your job entail?
As an instructional designer, my job involves supporting faculty members with their instructional needs. This includes helping them develop engaging course materials if needed, implementing effective teaching strategies, and integrating technology into the classroom. I also collaborate with them to improve course design and enhance student learning outcomes. 

What is your favorite part of the job and/or favorite part of UT? 
My favorite part of the job is definitely supporting faculty members as an instructional designer. As for UT, I love the friendly atmosphere and people around the college and the university. The college and university really feel like home to me.

What do you like best about living and working in the Knoxville area?  
Although I’m still new here and yet to explore all the great places I’ve heard about, I love the welcoming nature of the people, both within and outside the university. Having lived in Oklahoma and Mississippi, I really enjoy the summer weather in Knoxville. It’s been a pleasant change, and I’m looking forward to discovering more about the area as I settle in.

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 
An interesting fact about me is that I’ve had to use many nicknames because people often find it difficult to pronounce my first name. I’ve gone by Tayo, which is part of my middle name Olutayo; AJ, which is the first two letters of my last name; and now Abi, which is the first three letters of my first name.

Anything else you’d like to add? 
I’m married to my beautiful damsel Mercy. We were supposed to be research partners, but love had other plans. I currently have two master’s degrees and I’m close to completing my doctoral degree at Texas Tech. I’m already thinking about the possibility of pursuing a master’s degree in social work. Who knows, it might happen. I love learning, meeting people, and building great relationships. I also enjoy working on multiple projects at once and getting involved in different activities.