The UT College of Social Work and SWORPS are taking the college to the next level by sharing their expertise at the UT Grand Challenges Summit. The summit held mid-February in Murfreesboro, TN, aims at addressing Tennessee’s most pressing issues. By convening a diverse group of experts and stakeholders, and by thinking in terms of wholes rather than fragmented parts, the summit’s goal is to foster innovative solutions and strategic partnerships that can drive meaningful change across the state. The summit presents an opportunity to delve into interconnected challenges and collaboratively explore ways to advance communities.
Debbie Abrams-Cohen, SWORPS: Addressing Access to Employment and Resources for Individuals with Barriers in Rural Communities toward Workforce Pipeline Development
Presentation goals are to confirm the workforce and labor shortage reasons, understand the need to create new workforce pipelines for people who are not working, explore basic barriers faced by individuals in rural areas, and discuss initial interventions to address these barriers.
At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will more fully comprehend difficulties faced by individuals with barriers in rural areas in securing employment with a life-sustaining wage as well as learn ways to improve opportunities for rural individuals. Participants will learn about other innovative programs working to address this dilemma on the back end. Those in attendance will hear a discussion about potential solutions to address the identification problem for the future.
Zibei Chen: Addressing K-12 financial education challenges in rural Tennessee
K-12 financial education in Tennessee has received growing attention. The state continues requiring personal financial education for high school graduation, and currently the state has 10 bills introduced or enacted aiming to improve the financial literacy of school-age students. In-school financial education has a unique potential for strengthening education and communities when its design and implementation involve multiple levels (students, families, financial institutions, and schools). In this presentation, we will share insights gained from Money Week, a financial education curriculum that has reached over 7,000 elementary students across 31 Tennessean counties since its implementation in 2021. Additionally, we will discuss critical gaps in research, policy, and practice regarding K-12 financial education in rural Tennesseans. Using the ecosystem perspective, we will explore determinants of effective financial education in schools with a particular focus on factors relevant to schools in rural Tennessee and discuss evidence-based multi-level (e.g., state, county, school) solutions for effective, equitable K-12 financial education in the state of Tennessee.
Bridget Freisthler: The HEALing Communities Study: Effectiveness of a Community-Engaged Data-Driven Process to Reduce Opioid Overdoses
In 2022, Tennessee had the third highest rate of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. Results and strategies from the HEALing Communities Study (HCS) hold relevance to the overdose crisis here in Tennessee. HCS was a randomized clinical trial designed to reduce opioid overdose deaths in 67 communities in four states (KY, MA, NY, OH) using the Communities That HEAL (CTH) intervention. The CTH is a coalition-led, community engaged, data-driven intervention that supports communities in scaling up evidence-based practices (EBPs; overdose education and naloxone distribution, use of medication for opioid use disorder, and safer prescribing practices) alongside a communications campaign designed to reduce stigma and drive demand to these practices. 615 EBPs were implemented in intervention communities. Findings include a significant increase in naloxone distribution, a decrease in community stigma towards those with opioid use disorder, 15% decrease in non-fatal overdoses, and a 37% reduction in opioid overdose fatalities that include a psychostimulant (other than cocaine). This study has direct implications for treatment and recovery services and the distribution of abatement funds across the state.
Andrea Joseph-McCatty, Patricia Bamwine, Kristen Ravi: Enhancing Parenting Practices and Child Well-Being: Assessing the Impact of Trauma-Informed Parenting Training through a University-School Collaboration
This mixed-methods pilot study draws on a university-elementary school collaboration to provide trauma-informed parenting (TIP) training to 27 parents at a Tennessee elementary school. The objective of this study was to understand how the TIP training informed participants’ parenting practices and their perceptions of their child’s behaviors. Findings show significant reductions in children’s behavior problems, emotional symptoms, and hyperactivity, along with improved parental empathy, communication, and supportive approaches. The training helped parents to better understand their children’s trauma and adopt strategies fostering resilience and emotional well-being. This study highlights the role of school-parent partnerships in advancing K-12 education through trauma-informed approaches.
Robert Lucio: Thriving in Tennessee: Empowering Students through MTSS and School Behavioral Health
The escalating youth mental health crisis in TN necessitates a proactive and comprehensive approach to school behavioral health within schools. School settings present a unique opportunity for early identification and intervention, providing timely support, reducing stigma, and improving student well-being. The Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework offers a public health lens to creating a structured, evidence-based approach to address students’ diverse mental health needs. MTSS employs tiered interventions, ranging from universal prevention to intensive, individualized support, ensuring each student receives tailored support. MTSS addresses risk and protective factors influencing student mental health. Recognizing these factors empowers schools to create environments that mitigate risks and promote well-being. The Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) further enhances MTSS by fostering collaboration between schools and communities, ensuring a continuum of care. Implementing MTSS can cultivate a supportive educational environment that enhances student well-being. This presentation equips attendees with the knowledge and tools to integrate this approach into practice.
Rachel Ross: Mobile Interprofessional Tandem Service (MITS) Model to Enhance Audiology and Speech Pathology Care and Outcomes in Rural East Tennessee
Often rural Tennesseans lack access to audiologists (A) and speech pathologists (SP). Debilitating impairments go untreated, burdening families, schools, and senior centers that lack relevant training and infrastructure. Patients often seek help in cities but return overwhelmed by information and concerned about the finances required for ongoing care. Case managers can assist by assessing needs, coordinating care, and advocating for resources to address the unique A or SP demands. Social workers (SW) are equipped to provide case management but there is a SW shortage in rural TN.
In response, UTHSC ASP and UTK SW implemented a mobile, interprofessional service model to reduce barriers to health care accessibility in rural TN. Our van carries resources and professionals to evaluate and treat hearing, language, and speech disorders across the lifespan. External partners identified high need areas and priorities for their citizens. Our students are exposed to barriers to care in rural TN, leading to civic growth and commitment to equalizing accessibility and effectiveness of rural health care. Patients see providers in their own community, improving their health literacy and outcomes.

For more information about the UT Grand Challenges and the Summit, visit