Commencement Speakers 2024

The UTCSW 2024 Knoxville Commencement will feature two students as the graduation speakers. Caitlin (Cat) Steele will represent the BSSW class and Jenna Spurlock will represent the MSSWs. Additionally, the 2024 Nashville Commencement will feature student graduation speakers Bryn Zipp and Johnny Michael Stover. When asked about their thoughts for the big day, they all had heartfelt views to share.

What were your first thoughts when you found out you were chosen to speak at graduation?
No lie, as silly as this may sound, my first thought was about how I was finally living out my Elle Woods DREAMS. If you haven’t seen Legally Blonde, you should watch it. Elle Woods is my hero. I can remember being a teenager dreaming about having the opportunity to speak at my own college graduation. When I was made aware of that dream coming true, I cried. Not because I was scared, but because I felt the weight of the parallel of my own life to that of Elle Woods. She never compromised her wants, morals, and personality to achieve her goals. She worked with her strengths to make it happen, and I feel like that speaks a lot to my own story. 

What do you plan to talk about in your speech?
My speech is focused around being a dreamer and how important it is to let yourself dream of the big dreams, even if they seem impossible. I also plan to combine that with really driving home the weight of this accomplishment. Many people don’t take the time to let themselves really feel the big stuff, and when it is over they wish they had savored it a little longer. I want to utilize my time to ensure every graduating student takes even a moment to really feel what they have achieved. Then they can go out into the world and make their dreams come true with the confidence of knowing they have already done some of the hardest parts.

What are some of your fondest memories of your time here at UTCSW?
I think my fondest memory of being at UT has been last year’s eVOLve Conference. Being an online student presents some barriers in connecting with my cohort. I will never forget walking in and seeing some of them in person for the first time. They are just as beautiful, wonderful, and amazing in person. I really feel like that solidified the friendship and connection I have with many of them. 

Do you want to give a shout out to a mentor/faculty/staff who helped you throughout your time at UT?
Without a doubt, there is a faculty member here who has changed my life. I got involved with Dr. Anne Conway through volunteering on her research project my first semester in the BSSW program. Her kindness, energy, and intellect truly know no bounds. She is one of the most impressive humans I have ever met in my life, and I feel like I could listen and learn from her forever. She has always held space for me and encouraged me to be the best I can be. She reminds me how wonderful she thinks I am every time we speak while also helping me cultivate my own brand in social work. Dr. Conway has been my mentor, friend, sounding board, teacher, and so much more. I hope to continue working alongside her for a long time and urge everyone to find a mentor that can uplift them the way Dr. Conway has done for me. 

What is your favorite thing about being at UT?
My favorite thing about being at UT is the support system UT builds around its students. There are countless examples of this from my tenure in the program, but this semester has been one of the hardest seasons I’ve had in life in a long time. Through the personal turmoil I have experienced, the brightest ray of light has come from the College of Social Work and how they have rallied around me to support my success. Multiple faculty and staff worked with me to ensure I did not lose the momentum I’ve maintained. They have offered me opportunity after opportunity without ever pressuring me to take on more than I could handle. I think that is an important part of what makes this program so special. Having a good curriculum in your program is required, but it is the extra that really sets UTK apart from the rest. 

What advice would you give to incoming students who are new to the college and program?
My biggest advice for any incoming students, especially my fellow online people, get inVOLved (pun intended). Seriously, there are so many options to connect and supplement your education with wonderful opportunities. Especially if you’re local to the Nashville or Knoxville campuses. Read all of the emails you are sent, pay attention to what’s going on around the college, and take that leap to try something new. I truly believe doing those things makes the difference between getting a college degree and creating a career with your college degree. The professional development at this university is impeccable and will support you long after you graduate.

What are your plans after graduation? (Other than taking a long, well-deserved nap!)
I have made the decision to pursue a graduate degree immediately following obtaining my BSSW. Unfortunately, this means my well-deserved nap will be cut short as I embark on my master’s degree in the summer semester.  Fortunately, that also means I get to continue learning from this program I adore. I hope to continue my education through securing a Ph. D. in social work. Then, who knows what I could accomplish? I want to write a book, host a Ted Talk, and become the first female president of the United States. Vote for Cat 2036!

What were your first thoughts when you found out you were chosen to speak at graduation?’
Honestly, when I was asked to speak, I thought they should find someone more qualified, someone more impressive than me.

What do you plan to talk about in your speech?
Social work is a profession full of wounded healers – we need to make sure to meet our own needs and preserve our own boundaries in order to be the best helpers we can be.

What are some of your fondest memories of your time here at UTCSW?
I will always look back fondly on moments when an entire classroom of social work students were laughing and talking and encouraging one another.

Do you want to give a shout out to a mentor/faculty/staff who helped you throughout your time at UT?
There are SO many faculty members that I enjoyed learning from here in the College of Social Work. I plan to keep in contact with the CSW and many professors here. They have inspired me and informed me in ways that will be helpful to my career in Social Work.

What is your favorite thing about being at UT?
My favorite thing during my time here at UT is the atmosphere within the CSW. Faculty and staff all seem excited to be part of the college and staff are truly delighted to interact with a student.

What advice would you give to incoming students who are new to the college and program?
I would tell students coming to the CSW that they are in the right place. These people care about you and your social work career.

What are your plans after graduation? (Other than taking a long, well-deserved nap!)
I will be studying abroad this summer with Dr. Zottarelli comparing the healthcare systems of the US, UK, and Italy.

What were your first thoughts when you found out you were chosen to speak at graduation?
I was extremely surprised that I was chosen to speak at graduation. It is an amazing honor, and I am so excited to share my experiences while at UTCSW. It will be an opportunity to congratulate my fellow classmates on their hard work and accomplishments!

What do you plan to talk about in your speech?
I am planning to speak on the outstanding MSSW program and the extensive hands-on field placement that has allowed each student to enhance their education. 

What are some of your fondest memories of your time here at the UTCSW?
With completing the MSSW program online, my memories mostly relate to my field placement with Rutherford County Schools. In completing this placement, I had the opportunity to educate, advocate, and empower students and families.

Do you want to give a shout out to a mentor/faculty/staff who helped you throughout your time at UT?
Dr. Thompson was an excellent professor and mentor as she gives constant encouragement and constructive feedback to her students. She models the values of what it means to be a social worker and demonstrates ethical and compassionate practice. Dr. Thompson has supported my education and helped prepare me for my future career in social work.

What is your favorite thing about being at UT?
I really enjoyed the independence and ability to complete courses at my own pace. Professors were extremely understanding and supportive during my online program.

What advice would you give to incoming students who are new to the college and program?
This program requires time management, the ability to prioritize, and flexibility as days never seem to go as planned. To successfully complete the Full-Time Advanced Standing Program, you will need to remain prepared and organized, while connecting course work to the field. I recommend keeping up with readings in each course too!

What are your plans after graduation? (Other than taking a long, well-deserved nap!)
I have recently been selected and employed with Rutherford County Schools, as a school social worker for the upcoming school year! I am very excited to work with students and families in need!

What were your first thoughts when you found out you were chosen to speak at graduation?
I was extremely surprised and honored to be chosen to speak at graduation. I said yes immediately before my nerves could kick in and say no. I also highly suspect that the staff and faculty who helped to make this decision knew I wouldn’t be able to sit still throughout the ceremony without raising my hand to make a comment or ask a question based on my history in class so really this is just a kindness so that I don’t have to do that.

What do you plan to talk about in your speech?
I plan to speak to fears of automation and how Social Work may be immune to that. The importance of celebrating our successes and what we have sacrificed to obtain our degree and what we will sacrifice going forward as a helping profession. I also of course thank those to me who helped me to obtain this degree and who have supported me throughout my life.

What are some of your fondest memories of your time here at the UTCSW?
I remember in our first semester in Professor Beth Lamb’s intro to micro class, it happened to be Halloween. She was okay with us coming in costume, bringing candy, and we even did biopsychosocials on Peanuts characters. I attended class that day dressed as “Grad School Deadpool” and recall two good friends dressed as Dr. Phil and one dressed similarly to the ghosts in It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.

Do you want to give a shout out to a mentor/faculty/staff who helped you throughout your time at UT?
I honestly feel like I should list every single professor I had during my time at UT as all of them helped to give me such great insight and knowledge. That said a sincere thank you (in alphabetical order) to Harold Benus, Allison Buzard, Kate Chaffin, Allison Diehl, Beth Lamb, Lori Myers, Kristen Pearson, and Katie Veit.

What is your favorite thing about being at UT?
I have never felt like “just” a student here. The faculty and staff have always gone above and beyond in my experience, and I will forever be grateful for that. Plus after living all my life in Tennessee I am very proud to be an official Tennessee Volunteer!

What advice would you give to incoming students who are new to the college and program?
You can do this. I joined this program as a 40-year-old with an English degree from 2007 and 12 years of experience in the corporate world. I very much feared that I did not have the background knowledge or training to be an effective social work student or an effective Social Work Clinician. I no longer have those fears after my time in this program. Also, do your readings!

What are your plans after graduation? (Other than taking a long, well-deserved nap!)
Following graduation, I have a very busy summer of new beginnings. I will begin working at my current intern practicum, Nashville Collaborative Counseling Center, full-time in June. I plan to take my LSMW this summer as soon as I can, and most importantly I am going to marry my partner of 13 years at the end of May!