Dr. Camille Hall appointed Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion

The College of Social Work is pleased to announce that Dr. J. Camille Hall has accepted an appointment as the first Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion.

This new Associate Dean is responsible for the strategic direction of the College’s diversity, equity, and inclusion activities.  Dr. Hall will serve as an ex-officio member of the College’s Committee for Equity and Diversity. With the committee, she will help to develop, implement, and assess the College’s plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion. This plan will bring faculty, staff, students, field instructors, and alumni together to promote a diverse, equitable, anti-racist and respectful environment for faculty, staff and students and promote scholarship and engagement that works to expand equity on our campus and in our communities.

“This new plan will strengthen and focus the College’s efforts around diversity, equity, and inclusion, and I am thrilled that Dr. Hall is willing to serve in this role to lead the development and implementation of our Diversity plan,” said College Dean Lori Messinger.

Dr. Hall brings to the position a history of successful leadership along with clinical and research expertise in the areas of risk and resilience among Black Americans and multicultural competence. Since Dr. Hall joined the faculty of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville College of Social Work faculty in 2004, she has worked to promote diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism on the UTK campus. She served as former chairperson for the UTK Commission for Blacks, helped develop the Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and Excellence (STRIDE) training, and served as a member of the Pride Center Advisory Board, Diversity Council, and Diversity Dialogues Advisory Board. With more than 25 years of experience in clinical social work practice and supervision, Dr. Hall serves as a clinical social work officer in the United States Army Reserve and is currently assigned to Irwin Army Community Hospital at Fort Riley, Kansas.

Dr. Messinger noted that “Camille’s knowledge and expertise regarding institutional issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and her long history of advocacy in this area, make her an outstanding leader for our College’s efforts. We are so pleased to have her as an integral member of our College’s leadership team.”

Dr. Hall will serve as the College’s representative to the Office of the Provost and the Division of Diversity & Engagement. Her appointment starts on July 1st.