SWORPS Team Obtains Funding for the KnoxHMIS CARES Project

Knoxville City Council has approved funding for the KnoxHMIS CARES project that Dr. David Patterson is leading.  Patterson, Nate First, and team will continue their community outreach through SWORPS and UTCSW to foster greater understanding of the social consequences, human impact, and other deleterious effects of homelessness.

Nate First

KnoxHMIS is a community outreach research partner fostered by collaboration between UT SWORPS and the University of Tennessee College of Social Work. As part of the University’s land grant mission, KnoxHMIS works closely with community partners and operates the community’s collaborative database on homeless services, needs, and outcomes; facilitates CHAMP, a coordinated entry program matching homeless individuals with services and housing; hosts and maintains Knox Housing Help, an online social service resource guide; disseminates timely information via the Community Dashboard on Homelessness and community-focused reports, and partners with the homeless service community in strategic planning and policy development.

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