UTCSW Faculty Excel in both Research and Practice

Thereasa Abrams

Assistant Professor Thereasa Abrams, Professor William Nugent, Assistant Professor Andrea Joseph-McCatty, and PhD student Aritra Moulick recently published an article in the Journal of Burn Care & Research titled “Examining Disparities in Alcohol Use Testing on Burn Patient Admissions: A Call for Association Guidance.”

Burn injuries are associated with as well as complicated by alcohol misuse. To date, there are no stated guidelines for alcohol testing upon burn patient admissions. This study investigated if there were associations between race and testing for alcohol upon burn admissions, controlling for demographics, burn severity (degree), and other circumstances associated with burn injuries. Study results were consistent with the possibility of bias and may have influenced decisions to screen/test for alcohol misuse/abuse in reported burn cases. It is argued these findings support the recommendation that guidelines for alcohol testing of burn patients are warranted and would benefit from specific guidance from the American Burn Association. https://doi.org/10.1093/jbcr/irad166

Dashawna J. Fussell-Ware headshot

Assistant Professor Dashawna Fussell-Ware was recently selected as a member of the 2024-2025 UTK Research Development Academy from the Division of Access and Engagement.

The Research Development Academy focuses on empowering diverse tenure-track faculty to advance their own scholarly agenda in research, scholarship, and/or creative activities in a collegial environment with supportive guidance. The Research Development Academy provides a positive environment for faculty to network with each other, and resources they need to move their research agenda forward in a focused way.

Click here to read more about the cohort: https://provost.utk.edu/rda/

Assistant Professor of Practice Katherine Montgomery recently published three chapters in a new book titled The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-Based Professionals.

Montgomery, K. L. & Connors, E. (2024). Implementation of science in schools. In C. Franklin, M. B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.) School services sourcebook (3rd edition). New York: Oxford University Press.

Montgomery, K. L., & Linseisin, T.  (2024). Effective interventions for students with disordered behavior. In C. Franklin, M. B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.) School services sourcebook (3rd edition). New York: Oxford University Press.

Allen-Meares, P. & Montgomery, K. L. (2024) Where do we go from here? Mental health practice and evidence-based practice. In C. Franklin, M. B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.) School services sourcebook (3rd edition). New York: Oxford University Press.


William R. Nugent

Professor William Nugent and BSSW student Angi Khalil recently received notification that their article, “The Relationship between Violent Political Rhetoric, Murder Rate, Gun Ownership, and Police Deadly Encounters with Civilians” was accepted for publication in the Advances in Social Work journal.

Kristin Ravi headshot

Assistant Professor Kristen Ravi recently led an interdisciplinary project with third-year College of Social Work PhD Student Ashlee Lawler, Associate Professor of Child and Family Studies Megan Haselscwerdt, and Dean of the College of Nursing Victoria Niederhauser. The team conducted a systematic review of the conceptualization, measurement, and impacts of childhood exposure to domestic violence (CEDV) among college students internationally that was recently published in the Journal of Aggression and Violent Behavior. Findings showed that CEDV negatively impacts college students’ well-being, especially their mental health, however, there are inconsistencies in the measurement of CEDV and more specification about the severity and chronicity of the exposure is needed. There is a need for more research that explores the effect of CEDV on college students’ physical health and academic achievement.

Additionally, Ravi was selected to attend the NIH-funded Future of Families and Child Well-being Study Summer Data Training at Columbia School of Social Work in New York City.