“Oh No, is That a Subpoena?” A Social Work Perspective on Testimony – Rebecca Grounsell, MSSW, LISW-CP

AM Breakouts – 90 minutes

The thought of having to testify in court can unnerve even the most seasoned clinicians, and many of us will have to do it at least once. While court testimony is serious business, knowing what to expect and how to prepare yourself can reduce your own anxiety about going to court and can improve outcomes for the populations that we serve. In this session we will break down what to expect from the time that you are handed the subpoena until the time that you are excused from the witness stand.

As a result of attending this presentation, participants will:

1. Gain a basic understanding of the family and general sessions/criminal court process from a social work perspective;

2. Learn about the types of testimony that clinicians are frequently subpoenaed to provide;

3. Learn tips for preparing for court and providing testimony;

4. Understand common pitfalls and how to avoid them;

5. Learn tips for staying cool, calm, and collected during cross-examination; and

6. Learn expectations for reimbursement for clinicians in private practice or contract positions.

Social Workers, professional counselors, mental health clinicians, supervisors, direct service providers, CPS investigators, law enforcement, Guardian Ad Litems.

Rebecca Grounsell headshot

Rebecca Grounsell is a Child Forensic Interviewer and a Licensed Independent Social Worker of Clinical Practice through the state of South Carolina. She has worked in the field of child maltreatment since 2007. She has testified numerous times as both a fact and expert witness in family, general sessions, and/or magistrate courts in multiple states. She also provides blind witness expert testimony on child abuse dynamics in criminal trials. She is also a proud UTK College of Social Work Alumna.