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UT College of Social Work Now Offering Postgraduate Certificate in Organizational Leadership

The UTCSW is now offering an invaluable tool for social workers or those in a related field, providing much-needed information in management, budgeting, resource development, and leadership. The Postgraduate Certificate in Organizational Leadership provides knowledge and skills to enhance leadership abilities in agencies and communities. Knowledge of leadership is key to creating a significant impact in the nonprofit sector. Nonprofits are the driving force behind change in our communities.

Social Workers play integral roles in the leadership and management of nonprofits in areas such as healthcare, environmental justice, social service, behavioral health, and community organizing. Social workers are also engaged in nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) doing important work in program development, service innovation, and evaluation strategies. This certificate will prepare participants for social work leadership positions in administration, program development, evaluation, coordination, and outreach. The modules in this course are asynchronous and consist of videos, lectures, readings, and quizzes.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Organizational Leadership can be taken as a whole or can be purchased as individual modules, and must be completed within one year from the time of enrollment.

Discounts available:

  • Active Military, Alumni, and Senior Citizen (15% off)
  • Bulk Orders of two or more (20% off)
  • UT Field Instructor & UT Faculty/Staff (25% off)
  • UTK College of Social Work Faculty/Staff (50% off)

For full details and descriptions of the modules, visit