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Drs Coatsworth and Held attend Health Summit in the Dominican Republic

UTCSW Drs Doug Coatsworth and Mary Held recently attended a Health Summit in the Dominican Republic with the nonprofit organization Comunidad Connect. The summit was also attended by researchers from physical health-related professions and anthropology.

During the site visit, Coatsworth and Held learned about completed and current research conducted in collaboration with Comunidad Connect, both in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. They worked to begin identifying interprofessional research and educational opportunities between CSW and other institutions (University of Alabama, Kennesaw State, Georgia State, Ohio State, Calgary University, universities in the DR, and others) toward improved health and wellbeing, and explored student experiential learning opportunities.

Additionally, the team toured community health institutions, such as a home for older adults and a physical therapy/occupational therapy setting, as well as a sports complex for youth. Additionally, they joined a group of nursing students conducting home visit assessments for individuals who are deaf and their families.

“We are excited about what we’ve learned and the potential for unique international opportunities for our faculty and students in both research and student engagement,” Held said.