Eliza Galvez

eliza galvez headshot

Eliza Galvez has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Georgia State University and a master’s degree in social work from Kennesaw State University. Galvez was originally born in New Jersey, and she later moved to Georgia where she raised in a Peruvian household.

Galvez is a first-generation college graduate, with practice experience centered on addressing the mental healthcare needs of marginalized groups, primarily Latinos and people who are low-income, within non-profit agencies and health systems. She has also worked as a research assistant, where she has contributed to program evaluations, and contributed to research on racial and ethnic disparities in child development, healthcare, and education. She believes research is the foundation to know what is necessary to help those in need. Her research interests include adolescent and child trauma, racial and ethnic minority populations, and mental health prevention and intervention.

Research Interests

  • Trauma in Children and Adolescents
  • Racial and Ethnic Minorities
  • Prevention and Intervention in Mental Health

[email protected]