How to become a field instructor
Field instructors play a vital role in providing on-site coaching, mentorship, and support as students apply the social work theory, skills, and values they’ve gained in the classroom to real-world settings. Field instructors host students for 16-24 hours per week. Experienced BSW or MSW practitioners are encouraged to apply to become a Field Instructor. Field Instructors are required to:
- Complete the field educator application
- Complete orientation and training for Field Instructors (online and live options)
- Provide one hour/week of supervision to their students
- Be a role model who teaches students about the real world application of ethical social work skills and values.
Frequently asked questions
What kind of training do I need to complete to become a field instructor?
We want you to feel well-prepared for this role. Field Instructors are required to complete an orientation and training. This training is offered annually on each campus in a face-to-face format and is also available online. It is free to field instructors, and the College provides training certificates for licensure contact hours.
Who from the UT College of Social Work will support me in this role?
You have a team supporting you! UT employs full-time faculty called Field Coordinators to support students and agency field instructors. Additionally, each field instructor and student has an adjunct field liaison who conducts a site visit, provides problem-solving support, and signs off on all required paperwork.
How does the placement process work?
Students complete a field placement application and then meet with their assigned UTK Field Coordinator to discuss their interests and educational goals. The UTK Field Coordinator will contact appropriate agencies and facilitate the placement process. Agencies determine how they would like to proceed with the student, i.e., emailed resumes or online applications. Agencies are not required to accept students and are encouraged to interview students for goodness of fit. The Field Coordinator makes the final decision on placement assignment.
How much paperwork is involved?
The field team works hard to minimize paperwork requirements for our field instructors! Field paperwork is completed electronically in a user-friendly online system. Field instructors work with students to develop a learning plan for each semester, which details the learning activities and projects the student will undertake to meet the learning competencies for the field course. Field instructors also evaluate students at midterm and at the end of the semester and are expected to document their supervision with students on the student’s time sheets.
How much time will it take to be a field instructor?
The minimum time required for field instruction is one hour per week of supervision. However, field instructors should expect to spend additional time orienting students and providing any needed specialized training. They are also expected to be available to students for consultation between weekly supervision sessions.
Are field instructors paid?
We are unable to pay Field Instructors, but we do offer free and discounted training that can be used for licensure requirements and access to online resources through the UTK library.
Are students covered by professional liability insurance?
Yes, the University of Tennessee provides professional liability insurance for students in Field. We can provide you with a copy of this.
How many hours do students complete in their field placement?
That will depend on their program of study, but typically 16-24 hours/week over two to three semesters. BSSW students complete 500 hours. MSSW generalist students complete 400 hours at their agency, and concentration year students complete 600 hours.
What is the difference between MSSW Generalist and Concentration placements?
The 400-hour MSSW Generalist placement enables students to develop generalist social work practice competence. This includes assessment, engagement, intervention, evaluation, advocacy, and policy practice at multiple client system levels. The 600-hour MSSW concentration placement is a more specialized placement experience focused on developing advanced knowledge and skills for practice within the student’s chosen concentration. The two concentrations in the MSSW program are Clinical Practice and Organizational Leadership (OL).
Can students complete a field placement where they work?
Yes, if the agency meets our college’s requirements for an Employment-Based Placement
Can students be paid for their field placement?
Yes, we strongly encourage agencies to provide stipends. Students may also be eligible for Employment-Based Placements with your agency.